Friday, May 22, 2009
You want to buy a car, NOW ?

Benny Lee's theory : why Experts are Always Wrong

An example where Morning Star goes wrong
As far as the Morning Star prediction goes, it DID NOT HAPPEN or the technical reading is WRONG !
This is one of the simplest indicator you can find. Any user in technical analysis can comment at first sight if the artcile is right or wrong. The only part they may disagree is the part that Morning Star is reliable, which is an academic claim. Practiciant may have their own different personal experience.
At the same time when KNM is expected to go up due to that Morning Star signal, KLCI is expected to go down technically as well. But it turns out KNM goes down while KLCI goes up the next day.
However, in the same article, it did mention some other technical readings that say 'don't buy yet'. So you may hear some technical gurus always tell you wait until ALL 3 indicators tell you to buy or sell then only you make a move.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Mahathir also dislike Forex ?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Forex - the RIGHT way - Must use EA
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Technical Analysis Example : Morning Star
Monday, May 18, 2009
KLCI 090518 end update

KLCI update 09 05 18 0950

Friday, May 15, 2009
Pick the Right Value Stock by NextView, Benny Lee
Best Companies in Malaysia
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
KLCI 20090512 update

Friday, May 8, 2009
KLCI 20090508 - what can you do now ?

Thursday, May 7, 2009
stock market making me dizzy ...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Stock Pick 2009 05 05
Lucky or not, recent stock market's dead-cat-bounce is higher than expected, so high that the technical reading triggers the signal of end-of-bear-market, eventually made me changes my previous investment strategy, i.e. sell now instead of selling 3-5 years later. In general this is an example of emotion overtake logic.
The emotion part is my belief that this is a dead-cat-bounce; the logic part is the clear technical signal of bear-end. So sum all up, now even if the market goes crash, it would most probably be supported at 950. Instead of the much lower level I expected earlier.
Although 70% profit within a month seems pretty good but almost any speculator for the past few weeks would most probably easily get that return rate and more. Should I really keep for 3-5 years, 4x return isn't really that impossible. To really feel the difference, try imagining earning $70,000 from $100,000 vs. the potential income of $400,000. What can you do with an extra of $330,000?
Taking profit now actually allows me to rest for the year of 2009 (this year target achieved). However, selling off everything I have now is a bad positioning move, so I will need to start working on 'what to buy now'.
So follow the same method to screen out stocks to be analyzed on, this time I am using these rules:
1) Volume higher than 15,000
2) Price between 0.30 and 0.50
This is the list I got;
Screen through their finance data (ROE and EPS), these are the 3 stocks I am watching now. More in depth study will be needed before taking any action but I have time for that (before end of 2009).

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
KLSE update 090505 1009

Personal Finance in 1Picture

1. Die Early