MalPF goes global, 1st step ...
MalPF is ranked the no. 27 million-th most visited site. Or in layman term, one of those sites that no one knows and will never find out about.
Malaysia Personal Finance blogspot is slightly better rank at 2.6 million-th and 47,902th in Malaysia.
There are a lot of NEW and great Malaysian personal finance blogs setup recently but kclau and meshio still top the list as covering all rounder topics
kclau - 378,988th most visited in the world or 5,290th in Malaysia.
meshio - 664,893th
( in ranking, the lower the number the better it is )
A few other bloggers who may not cover traditional full range personal finance topics but has been providing great tips and latest news, hence rank quite well within Malaysia visitors. One of them is AlanTan, rank 5,133th and DavidLee, 2,414th in Malaysia.
In contrast to Personal Finance Malaysia, MalPF is lacking at 10% or in other words, needs to play a catch up game of 10X.
Out of finance topics, KennySia is rank 408th in Malaysia and 51,274th in the world. Liewcf is still the father of all bloggers, rank and stay high at 27,101th in the world.
On this comparison, MalPF needs to spend 100 times the effort to catch up from existing 1% of Malaysia's Internet pie.
Most of the world best personal finance sites are also ranking at liewef's level :
GRS - Get Rich Slowly @ 22,132th
SA - Saving Advice @ 33,576th

Sorry this post may be a bit geeky, random and irrelevant. But I guess this means its time for MalPF to do spell check, write in full sentences and start some internet marketing ...
or will that corrupt its originality ? What do you think ?
When the content is Unique & Quality, automatically yr Web statistic will improve :D
Wai Keat why remove comment, font and color do need improvement I agree.
Thanks Julong and Alan ...
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