Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fashion Method

Recently I came across Michael's pitch on how he can help us make money ... as usual the pitch is super convincing so I took a moment and see what he has to offer . . .

This is his method:


The effective and profitable Fashion Method is based on the monitoring of trends. An asset in the market rises or falls when pushed in a direction by trend setters, which are large financial powers that influence the financial markets like investment funds and banks. The principle of my method is very simple:

When you spot an asset showing a significant and constant increase, it is more probable that it will continue to rise in the near future in that direction rather than the probability that it will go the other way. We will therefore invest in the asset going up and place a "Call" command. Obviously, the same logic applies in the case of declining, where we will place a "Put" command.

How To Recognize Trends - Recognizing a pattern on a graph is very simple. It is easiest to understand on 5 minutes graphs as seen below: The path of the graph represents a period of time equivalent to 5 minutes . Here are the trends that we can detect:
The first two charts are showing an obvious movement of the asset in the market where you can clearly pick a direction for your trade. However, in the neutral trend, the market is shifting too much to be predictable. In this case, you are best to avoid placing a risky trade.


Remember: Even when you follow my method exactly, there is always a slight risk involved in trading. Anybody who tells you otherwise is simply lying, it's impossible to win every trade. BUT if you follow the trends and use my method you will Profit More Often and Make a Lot of Money. To minimize your risk, simply follow this important rule: Each position you open should ALWAYS represent about 10% of your total capital, as shown in this chart:

I will show you my method of trend following that will ensure that you win more than you lose,significantly improving your profits. If you follow these rules of investments, a bad opening will have a minimal effect overall on your account. 


Remember to Always Look For A Clear Trend

All assets go in some direction. If the history of an asset shows a distinctive path for a while, the probability that it will continue in that direction is high. Use that to make a profit and avoid unnecessary risk!

Invest more to enjoy bigger Profit potential

Making $500 a day is nice, yet after you will understand how simple and logical my method is, try making bigger investments and see how easily your bank account will grow. In no time, you will have the income to never be troubled with money problems again.

Always use a trusted broker

As I mention in my video, using a trusted and approved broker assures fast withdrawals, real-time live support and all the training a beginner might need to generate income.


I use my experience to help you avoid unnecessary risks and provide you with an Authorized binary broker that I personally use.

I have selected for you the most reliable and profitable broker available that offers a simple interface, easy registration and fast payouts. Opteck is the award winning broker that I have tested and I feel comfortable recommending it to you.
At the end its just a method called trend chaser.  In this technique you need to know 2 strategies;

  1.  identify the trend - which he taught well
  2. sense the trend changer - which he didn't tell you
In short, this is still within the scope of Technical Analysis.  And what you need to be careful is you have to be sensitive with the graph you are looking at.  If it is a 5 minutes graph then you better prepare to trade every other 5 minutes, if it is a day graph then you should trade every other day.  Good Luck !!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

New tools for Malaysia Stock Trading - 2014


  • Key Developments
  • Analyst figures
  • Alpha factor (used to compare with other stocks)
  • 5 biggest potential gainer


  • Related News (group wide news)
  • Ratio (used to compare with other stocks)

(or which ever trading platform you use)
  • Annoucements (big guys buying? selling ?)
  • General Info ( latest EPS, PE etc)

Friday, April 11, 2014

What is really important in Personal Finance Planning ?

There is a great video I have seen in LCF where he talks about

  • Insurance
  • Investment
  • Retirement
  • Tax
  • Estate Planning

Although I may not agree to all points but it is actually quite good and all points presented professionally.

Some of my pondering points
  • 5-6% investment cost is NOT LOW

    Actually whether an investment cost is low or not is always relative.  For example, if you are paying 20-30% to others to manage your portfolio then it is lower to find one that is 5-6%.  Likewise, paying 1-2% fee when you manage your own investment is common.  So it is really a matter of your money vs your time.  If you pay more fee, you would expect better services just like any other things in life.

  • Thousands of saving on tax can be compounded to millions

    While its true you could save on tax but usually its not in a huge magnitude.  To save thousands in tax, you probably have a certain amount of much bigger income to start with.  Its more toward FREE money vs ignorance.  You could just save those extra money for your own use instead of just giving them away if you know how;  while all these do not affect your constitution rights as a citizen.

    Some other times people actually channel the income elsewhere to save on tax but didn't realize if the money used elsewhere are of no additional values, then its really not a smart way to save tax.  Examples are like buying books that you don't read, visiting clinics when you are actually healthy etc.

  • Product Features

    In the beginning he mentioned don't talk about 'product features' but at later part mentioned quite a few jargon.  I felt like those are just 'personal finance planning features'.  So perhaps its fine to talk about features as long as those are the features people care about.  :)
It is great to see that there are so many professionals in finance planning industry now.  It is really different 20 years ago where no one understand how one could make a living out of financial planning service alone.  Overall it is a great way to get an introduction to what is really important in Personal Finance Planning.  If I were to need some services one day, I would probably be very thrill to meet up with LCF.

I also have a feel that he is more incline toward insurance than mutual funds but its just my gut feel after viewing the video.  Back then, financial planning is broken down into 2 main influencing industries.  One is base on insurance and another is base on mutual fund, is it still the case now ?